100 Honda PCX e-scooters have been leased to Romelco employees. Back in 2019, there was a joint-venture between Komeihaltec and Honda which was first launched in Romblon. Both companies have teamed up to make a high-tech wind power generation system and a mobile battery project in Romblon. Romblon Electric Cooperative (Romelco) distributes electricity by three diesel plants in the province. The province has insufficient power supply causing economic difficulties.
Komeihaltec constructed three giant 300 kW wind turbines in Romblon. Komaihaltec president Susumu Tanaka said: “We are making this island a showcase of clean and sustainable environment. We feel that this system will spill to other communities in the Philippines and other parts of the world.” This initiative will educate people to have a new mindset on this new technology, and to take care of the environment for the benefit of the present and future generations
50% of funding was being provided by Japanese Ministry of Environment. It was a platform for Komeihaltec and Honda to fulfil their dreams. Honda Mobile Power Pack technology are shoe-sized battery packs that can store energy to power Honda PCX e-scooters. Some residents have got a demo run of the renewable energy system for P2,000 a month.
The package also includes a free preventive maintenance service for the PCX scooters. Honda realized that limited range is a concern for scooters, and so Honda has setup battery exchange stations across five locations under the Romblon loop. So if a rider feels his e-scooter is low on power, he simply has to go to a battery exchange station and exchange his drained batteries for a pair of fully charged batteries from the Exchhanger. The scooter gives a range of 41 km’s if you run it at a steady pace of 60 km/h.