Electric vehicles featured in ads of 2022 Super Bowl

by AatoMobil

2022 Super Bowl

The Super Bowl gives automakers a chance to showcase their flagship models at a grand stage. The 2022 Super Bowl saw the inclusion of electric vehicles featured in big-budget ads. The average cost of a spot at the 2022 Super Bowl was roughly around $6.5 million. Car manufacturers like GM, BMW, Kia, and Polestar have spent on advertising in the 2022 Super Bowl. Most of the cars featured in these ads were electrics or SUVs.

The years to follow have a wide list of electric vehicles to be launched in various markets. Markets like the US, Europe, and China are emerging hotspots where automakers would be targeting their electric vehicles to compete. Factors that influence major automakers to invest in electric vehicles include – competitiveness, government incentives, and customer demand.

Top officials in the auto industry have stated that this is a crucial time in the multi-trillion-dollar car industry. With the shift to electricity, carmakers will have to abide by the newer EV technology. Countries like the US accounts for 29% of the country’s overall carbon emissions. The US will have to undergo a rapid transition to alternative fuel sources. This means the sale and boom of electromobility in such markets are pivotal to reducing their overall carbon footprint.

In the current scenario, electric vehicles account for a mere 1% of the 250 million automobiles plying on US roads. The Paris agreement on climate change saw common consent that 1 in 5 cars should be electric by 2030. The Biden administration expects half of the overall sales to be solely through – electrics, plug-in hybrids, or hydrogen-powered vehicles.

This can happen only with adequate investments in charging infrastructure, and a favorable tax credit system. This will allow more liquidity in the electromobility sector. Cleaner power supply, cheaper production costs, and lesser dependency on heavier metals are primary concerns over making EVs more feasible.

Ads that are featured in the 2022 Super Bowl can create consumer interest and more likely make electromobility acceptable. Television ads definitely increase sales. Other promising changes include the government’s investments to develop a sustainable EV infrastructure. Governments are also looking for zero tailpipe emissions pushing carmakers around the world on making more efficient electric vehicles.

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