Japanese automakers unite for EV innovation

by AatoMobil

Reports suggest that Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi are teaming up to enhance automotive electrification. The motive is to bring groundbreaking solutions in a rapidly evolving industry. The strategic alliance will enhance automotive electrification and EV innovation. It is confirmed that the three auto giants have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to establish a framework for collaboration to build on the previous agreement made by Nissan and Honda.

The intention is to bolster the strengths of each company to EV innovation in their products and services. Nissan and Honda are making efforts to focus on carbon neutrality and to create a zero-traffic-accident society. The collaboration will create a greater scope to improve environmental technologies, electrification technologies and software development. Industry leaders have already claimed that the automotive industry is going through a transformative phase that happens once in a century. 

The shared knowledge, technology and experience of Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi will solve many pertaining challenges when it comes to electrification. The combined efforts of the Japanese trio will drive electrification and EV innovation globally. The addition of Mitsubishi Motors into this collaborative framework will bring new strengths to the Japanese trio. 

The Executives from the respective companies highlighted the importance of collaboration with partners in today’s automotive industry. Being at the cutting edge of technological innovation such as EV innovation and intelligence will create newer possibilities in emerging fields.   

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